Digital Photography

I heard a loud crash as the mirror that I had since childhood fell off the wall of my first apartment. Never mind the memories associated with it, I was more worried about the karmic consequences that the broken mirror brought. For queer people across the country and worldwide, the outlook of a peaceful future seems bleak, and I had just added 7 years of bad luck to mine. This collection is a series of self-portraits, paired with some environmental abstraction, that documents the intimate parts of my queer experience through the broken looking glass. The abstract images that frame the corners of this collection are highlights from my everyday life as a student, mirroring the fracture lines in the glass. I documented the parts of my life that were important to me, despite being mundane: getting ready in the morning, my weekly testosterone shot, moments with my partner, and moments of self-reflection. Looking forward to my future is terrifying. As anti-LGBTQ, specifically anti-trans, legislation is on the rise and as queer people prepare to fight for our right to life, it is important to savor these moments of serenity while we still have them.

7 Years